Transactions for doing staking operations on an individual account.

interface StakingAccountActions {
    delegate: ((validator: CosmosValidatorAddress, amount: AmountArg) => Promise<void>);
    redelegate: ((srcValidator: CosmosValidatorAddress, dstValidator: CosmosValidatorAddress, amount: AmountArg) => Promise<void>);
    undelegate: ((delegations: {
        amount: AmountArg;
        delegator?: CosmosChainAddress;
        validator: CosmosValidatorAddress;
    }[]) => Promise<void>);
    withdrawReward: ((validator: CosmosValidatorAddress) => Promise<DenomAmount[]>);
    withdrawRewards: (() => Promise<DenomAmount[]>);

Hierarchy (view full)


delegate: ((validator: CosmosValidatorAddress, amount: AmountArg) => Promise<void>)

Delegate an amount to a validator. The promise settles when the delegation is complete.

Type declaration

    • (validator, amount): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<void>


redelegate: ((srcValidator: CosmosValidatorAddress, dstValidator: CosmosValidatorAddress, amount: AmountArg) => Promise<void>)

Redelegate from one delegator to another. Settles when the redelegation is established, not 21 days later.

Type declaration

    • (srcValidator, dstValidator, amount): Promise<void>
    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<void>

undelegate: ((delegations: {
    amount: AmountArg;
    delegator?: CosmosChainAddress;
    validator: CosmosValidatorAddress;
}[]) => Promise<void>)

Undelegate multiple delegations (concurrently). To delegate independently, pass an array with one item. Resolves when the undelegation is complete and the tokens are no longer bonded. Note it may take weeks. The unbonding time is padded by 10 minutes to account for clock skew.

Type declaration

withdrawReward: ((validator: CosmosValidatorAddress) => Promise<DenomAmount[]>)

Withdraw rewards from a specific validator. The promise settles when the rewards are withdrawn.

Type declaration

withdrawRewards: (() => Promise<DenomAmount[]>)

Withdraw rewards from all validators. The promise settles when the rewards are withdrawn.

Type declaration