Development package for the Fast USDC product. Here in agoric-sdk as a convenience for integration testing and iterating on the SDK affordances required for the product.
This package is meant to contain all the code for the Fast USDC product. However there are some constraints:
top-level package, separate from this workspace@agoric/builders
to work with the a3p-integration build:submissions
to test running them atop a fresh bootstrapped environmentOver time we can update our tooling to decouple this more from the packages
script work with arbitrary builder paths, allowing this to be above @agoric/builders
in the package graph@aglocal/boot
, allowing this to be above @aglocal/boot
in the package graphpackages/
, eg. a top-level dapps
directoryOracles run off-chain and interact with the contract via an Agoric smart wallet bridge.
title Becoming an oracle operator
participant OW as Operator N
Smart Wallet
participant FUC as Fast USDC
Contract Exo
participant CE as Core Eval
CE->>FUC: makeOperatorInvitation()
FUC-->>CE: operatorInvitation
CE->>+OW: deposit(operatorInvitation)
Note left of FUC: Off-chain wallet accepts the operator invitation
OW->>+FUC: offer(operatorInvitation)
FUC-->>OW: operator invitationMakers: {SubmitEvidence}
Note left of FUC: Off-chain watcher detects evidence
OW->>+FUC: offer(SubmitEvidence, evidence)
title Receiving evidence
participant W as Operator N
Smart Wallet
participant A as Operator N
Admin Oexo
participant TF as Transaction
W->>A: offer(SubmitEvidence, evidence)
Note left of A: Once 3 operators push the sameā¦
A->>TF: notify(evidence)
Transactions are qualified by the OCW and EventFeed before arriving to the Advancer.
[*] --> Observed: observe()
[*] --> Advancing: advancing()
Advancing --> Advanced: advanceOutcome(...true)
Advancing --> AdvanceFailed: advanceOutcome(...false)
Observed --> [*]: dequeueStatus()
Advanced --> [*]: dequeueStatus()
AdvanceFailed --> [*]: dequeueStatus()
note right of [*]
After dequeueStatus():
Transaction is removed
from pendingTxs store.
Settler will .disburse()
or .forward()
end note
Observed --> AdvanceSkipped : Risks identified
Observed --> Advancing : No risks, can advance
Observed --> Forwarding : No risks, Mint deposited before advance
Forwarding --> Forwarded
Advancing --> Advanced
Advanced --> Disbursed
AdvanceSkipped --> Forwarding : Mint deposited
AdvanceFailed --> Forwarding : Mint deposited
Advancing --> AdvanceFailed
Forwarding --> ForwardFailed